Why an SIP in mutual funds is one of the best route to avoid market volatility?

The meaning of SIP in a mutual fund is Systematic Investment Plan. An SIP in a mutual fund is a mode of investing that helps you to invest regularly in order to meet your financial goals effectively. It allows you to invest the same amount, in a particular mutual fund scheme, at a specified frequency. For … Read more

How mutual funds should be considered for long-term investment?

When it comes to investing for your future, there are a lot of investment vehicles to choose from. Although there is no specified formula or handbook that investors are expected to follow, there is one general rule that impacts your mutual fund performance: Invest for the long term. When you invest for the long term … Read more

How should you make mutual fund performance analysis?

You should not solely rely on performance rating by third party websites and mutual fund returns for the last year to assess the best possible mutual fund for you. This is because performance keep changing every year. The top performers of today may not be on the list next year. When making a mutual fund … Read more